The Locksmith

I'm a Locksmith from London I love books, even though my job gives me little or no time to read. I find time when I can and lose myself in a book hence why I decided to join this great online community for fellow readers. Thanks for having me!

Being A Locksmith In London

— feeling excited

To start my blog off I decided I'd like to tell people about who I am and what I do before sharing any reading experiences as I think we live in a society that is so quick to take words out of context so before I start speaking I'd like to give you some context into my life, as a locksmith in London.



First of all I should explain how I got into being a locksmith. The main reason I became a locksmith? My family, locksmiths have been in my family for over 50 years, my Father was a locksmith and so was his Father before him.


Swift Locksmith is the family run local locksmith service I run with some help from my employees to make sure that there is never a time in which you require a locksmith in London to either change a lock, gain access, or even install new locks into doors that didn't previously have locks in. Me and my team are dedicated to providing a fast response service for all emergency and non emergency situations across the whole of London and the surrounding areas. Does that sound like hard work? Well I will confess the job can get very hectic at times especially at rush hour when you need to be the other side of London as soon as possible. 


In fact one of my pet peeves is people not taking things like traffic into account and cancelling me when I'm around the corner. Even though it would test the patience of a saint, I still don't charge cancellation fees as I try very hard not to get a bad name for myself or my families business that my forefathers worked so hard to build.


Another issue with being a locksmith in London is that there is a LOT of competition, it's good in some ways as it would be impossible to take on every job that came at us through the day so in a way I'm glad people have a lot of other companies and businesses to turn to. However there's a massive problem with a big percentage of these so called locksmiths not being locksmiths at all but rather being scammers who charge obscene prices for the simplest of jobs, and once someone has fallen victim to a fake locksmith they very understandably reluctant to trust any other locksmiths in the future. That's why I think it's so important to make a big effort to separate myself from the fake locksmiths of London not only for the businesses sake but also for the trades sake.


I will Leave the url to my website at the bottom of the post for anyone who'd like to peruse and try and gather any answers to questions you may have for me, Thanks for letting me introduce myself and give you a little insight into what I do when I'm not reading a challenging book.


More posts to come on my recent reads, I'm very much looking forward to interacting with as many fellow readers as I can! And again thanks for having me.